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Our clients regularly ask the following questions about personal finance. We’ve answered them below for you.
If you still have questions, click Talk to a Mentor to work with your own financial mentor.
Is there a skill that you have, outside your regular job? Do you know how to fix computers, speak another language or beekeeping? If you have some skill that you know would be useful to others, you may be able to use it as a part-time tutor. If you can't think of any particular skill you have, there is plenty of help needed out there, which people are prepared to pay for. For example, dog-walking, reading to elderly people in a rest home or house cleaning.
The most important thing to save for is your emergency fund. If you lose your job, get sick or have some other life-changing event, you'll need to have something set aside. You may have other goals that are important but it's good to have some funds aside for any sort of unexpected emergency.
Speak to a Financial Mentor about reducing your credit card debt.
If, for example, you work on a contract basis, you need to give weight to each of your expenses. Firstly, you should figure out what absolutely needs to be covered every week, fortnight or month. Your very basic needs include things like accommodation, food, electricity, heat and water.
Sometimes it seems impossible to reduce costs further, but there may be a way. Here are some ideas ... sell the car and walk or bus, sell things that you no longer need, reduce your cellphone plan, buy from cheaper bulk food stores, reduce electricity usage where possible, go to the library instead of buying a video or start a garden and grow your own vegetables.